Maybe, no certainly, the worst singing I have ever heard during a worship service was by a man named Elbert Jacks. Maybe, no certainly, the most uplifting singing I have ever heard during a worship service was by a man named Elbert Jacks. Brother Jacks was deaf or nearly deaf and it affected his ability… Read More »
Choosing A Congregation
Sometimes you choose to do a series. Sometimes a series chooses you! Following on Choosing A Mate and Choosing Your Friends, today we are discussing what we should look for in a local church. Since this is “drop off day” for Austin Peay students, I thought it would be a good time for all of… Read More »
Truths Taught In Song
In his letter to the church at Colossae, Paul gives the early Christians direction and encouragement for their Christian lives. In chapter three, Paul tells us to “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,”-Colossians 3:15. He gives us the following instructions as a way to let that happen: “Let the word of Christ… Read More »
An Acapella Tradition
I was reading a book on church history recently and I came across a phrase I had not heard before. The writer was differentiating between practices of congregations known as Christian churches and churches of Christ and he used the phrase “acapella tradition” to describe churches of Christ. At the time, I didn’t think much… Read More »