One year ago this week, the North Second Street Church of Christ ordained David Brown and David Muiznieks as elders in this congregation. Soon after, Scott Ford and Jim Lahue were named deacons of the church. Having been set in order according to the plan of God, we have been on a path of numeric growth and spiritual maturity that has been wonderous and wonderful to behold. Praise God for his blessings!
This made me think about the nature of local churches. God, in his wisdom, organized the church of his Son with no external government. A church of Christ is overseen by elders, served by deacons, and ministered to by evangelists and teachers. That is the entirety of the government of the church of the New Testament. Individual churches are not handed their doctrine by conferences, synods, or conventions. Local churches don’t submit to the rule of bishops or popes. Our citizenship is in heaven. The head of the church is in heaven. And we submit to his rule being led by the Spirit inspired word.
As a consequence, every church is slightly different. Humble examination of God’s word should lead all churches to teach and practice immersion of believers, weekly observance of the Lord’s supper, and worship to God that is heart-felt, according to commands in Scripture (singing), and avoiding worship not found in the Bible (playing). We should have unity over the lost nature of sinners outside of Christ and our burning desire to speak, “the word of faith”-Romans 10:8, “to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his (Jesus’-JS) name among all the nations,”-Romans 1:5.
However, there is no denying that individual Christians will disagree about some points of doctrine. How differently can we see things and still, “maintain the unity of the Spirit.”-Ephesians 4:3? When Martin Luther began his attempt to reform Roman Catholicism according to the Scriptures alone, he was mocked by defenders of the papal system who said, “If you give every man a Bible, you make every man a pope.” And there is no doubt there is a danger in that approach.
If you doubt what I say, visit a congregation given to the head covering for women or where they believe in serving the Lord’s supper using just one loaf and one cup. These are not quibbles individual members can, “take or leave.” They are lines over which those groups will not extend fellowship. Try to explain to a member of an institutional church that Christ did not die for us to use the Lord’s treasury to hang a basketball goal or support any organization not found in the Bible. You will soon be asked to hush or leave.
It seems unity may just be a dream, or at least a prayer (John 17:21). But it is a falsehood to believe all church members must agree on every point of doctrine to be in fellowship. WE CAN DISAGREE AND GET ALONG! Jew and Gentile, black, white, yellow, or brown show the wisdom and glory of God when we come together as servants of one Lord (Ephesians 3:6-10). But it takes humility and love.
As a parent you learn never to threaten a punishment on which you will not follow through. You learn to choose your words wisely. As Christians we are commanded not to press opinions to the harm or other members. I need to remember, it is not me my neighbor will stand before in judgement. “Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.”-Romans 14:4.
If I love you, I can tolerate differences. In 1809, Thomas Campbell wrote in his Declaration and Address that all Christians can be unified if we consider the Lord’s church as, “consisting of all those in every place that profess their faith in Christ and obedience to him in all things according to the Scriptures, and that manifest the same by their tempers and conduct, and of none else; as none else can be truly and properly called Christians.”
Let’s be careful not to let our opinions (even though we may be 100-percent correct) substitute for book, chapter, and verse. And remember, “keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”-I Peter 4:8. In that way we will stay together and enjoy the continued increase of God.
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